Nerd Moment, Just Bear With Me

Hey-o peoples!

Okay, I don't know if I've said this yet, but I'm quite possibly the world's biggest Marvel fangirl.

Today the Avengers 4 trailer was released.


I've looked forward to this movie for WAY too long, but HOLY COW.

Marvel, I applaud thee, with your insane skill at movies, trailers, comics, and everything in between. This movie is going to kill me, but it's also going to be my favorite movie of the year, without a doubt, overshadowing so many others that I'm looking forward to.

Anyway, that's all! Marvel is turning ME to dust (internally, of course, with my heart breaking and shattering), but I had to post this in honor of their genius.
Sorry, DC fans. XD.

I hope you enjoyed this post, leave a comment if you liked it (and if you agree!) and thanks for reading! :D


  1. Yes!!! My brother showed it to me and I was like " I HAVE to watch this!!!!"


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