Spring Tea, Spring...Coffee?

Hi, everyone!

So, my church had a spring tea today, which is basically a tea party with weird hats, bur they had NO TEA. What's up with that? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love coffee, but what's a tea without tea?

My sister, Joely, made a hat out of an oatmeal container covered in construction paper, and I wore an old hat that my grandpa brought back from Russia. I didn't win the hat contest, but I got a few compliments and didn't ruin the hat, so that was good.

Totla change of subject!
Me and Joely host a book club every Saturday where you write your own short story and read them to the rest of the club, so we've got that to loo forward to at 4:00...

That's all my news for today, so bye, and thanks for reading!
